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A New Student Experience


Ocean Enbar

Throughout his youth, Ocean Enbar moved between 8 different schools and was exposed to a variety of different cultures and societies. Ocean found moving to be an opportunity to discover his identity and find his place in society. After getting involved at Western University, Ocean realized that his passion lies in Student Advocacy. As a student senator, Ocean expanded his knowledge of the student body and advocacy for the desires of his peers. As the USC president, Ocean intends to fulfil his advocacy objectives and bring a wave of new student experiences to Campus.


TEAM OCEAN is excited to announce that once elected, we will be encouraging driven and passionate individuals to run for the role of vice-president. We especially encourage the participation of female candidates, as it is our goal to have a student government that is representative of the diverse demographic of Western University. This is an unprecedented opportunity - a vote for Team Ocean is a vote for a diverse and well-represented campus. 

Mission Statement

Passion. Diversity. Advocacy. Change. Team Ocean is being spearheaded by a wave of students who want to ensure that the USC serves them and not just a handful of insiders, administrators, and executives. Through consultations with the many constituencies across our campus, we have put together an extensive platform that we are extremely proud of, a platform that will make life simpler, safer and more welcoming. We have prioritized wellness and student safety, supporting the leaders of tomorrow, propelling innovation and entrepreneurial initiatives, and empowering students from all faculties to succeed. We look forward to sharing these ideas with the student body and continuing our conversations over the coming weeks to make our community stronger.
Team Ocean

A New Student Experience

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