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Student Life & Community

Western University prides itself in being recognized as the University to offer the best student experience in Canada. Team Ocean is confident that we can maintain this image, as long as we continue to offer students benefits that help make their student life more enjoyable and convenient. Let’s keep the hype going, and let’s continue to showcase our Mustang Pride!

The Mustang Card


Ever heard of the USC Platinum Card? Essentially, this card offers USC executives a variety of perks and discounts across campus. Some of those perks include free admission at Western Film, 10% off at the Purple Store and the wave, line bypass at the spoke on Wednesdays and more.


While the card offers students a variety of discounts, we believe that the exclusive nature of the card is unfair to students at large. Similar perks should be offered to the entire student body. Team Ocean will look towards offering a similar card, a Mustang Card, that will be available at the beginning of the year for an affordable price to all students on a first come, first served basis. Additionally, we will look towards partnerships with local London businesses to provide students with additional benefits. Some benefits we will explore will include line bypass and reduced cover at one of London’s premier bars, discounts at prominent off-campus eateries and early access to event ticket sales. Apart from the limited amount sold in September, a number of Mustang Cards will also be given out as an incentive for students to join clubs and attend campus events.  


The Spoke & Wave


The Spoke & Wave are two of the most popular student destinations on campus. We will look towards continuously improving their convenience, accessibility and food options available at these locations.

  1. Many students shared mixed emotions in regards to the renovations performed at the Spoke. Team Ocean will commit to re-evaluating the seating layout at the spoke and consult with students for feedback. Additionally, the lack of wheelchair accessible seating will be considered in the evaluation. We believe that all students should be able to enjoy a night with Rick McGhee no matter their circumstance.

  2. We will be seeking further consultations with students regarding the food options made available at both the Spoke and the Wave. First, we will begin allowing students to pick their meal of the month by introducing a polling option through Facebook. Secondly, we will work to ensure that both restaurants offer nutritious and affordable options for students in need of kosher, Halal, Vegetarian or Vegan options.


Early Morning Breakfast During Exam Season


We love the late night breakfast during exam season. It’s not going anywhere. But we also understand that only night owls get to enjoy this initiative. We recognize that late night breakfast may promote unhealthy study habits such as studying into the late night. To combat this accessibility and wellness issue, Team Ocean will add to this program by working with Alumni to fund a free early morning breakfast option. This will further promote a healthier study schedule, where students are encouraged to get up early and get a free breakfast, while maintaining a regular study and sleep schedule.

Helping Students with Food Insecurity


Research has identified that 39% of Canadian University students experience food insecurity. However, the University Student’s Councils Food Support Services remains underused. Due to the minimum wage hike, it is expected that the price of food will continue to rise. To ensure our students are not food insecure, Team Ocean will place an emphasis on advertising Food Support Services and will look into other avenues of helping students who may experience food insecurity.


A New Approach to USC Office Hours


Instead of holding USC Executive Office Hours solely inside the UCC, Team Ocean will continue to bring the office hours to more convenient locations. In addition to offering office hours in the UCC atrium, we will work with faculty councils to set up office hours in convenient locations of each prominent faculty building. This will inevitably make your future USC executives more accessible and allow students to hold us more accountable.

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